would you like to be the Hetkinen brand ambassador?

We are searching for genuine and real people to join our team and share the love for our brand. Do you have love for our brand and products? You have at least one public social media account and desire to create content there? Do you feel your values meet ourseIf the answer is YES, you could be our new brand ambassador.

What will you get? package of Hetkinen products, Hetkinen brand ambassador t-shirt, team support and other fun perks

Hetkinen brand ambassador time: For a minimum of two months. Applying is easy. Send us an email where you tell a little bit about yourself. Let us know which social media channel you would prefer to use and why you would be the perfect brand ambassador for us.

Send email applications to ella.johansson@hetkinen.com

Languages: Finnish or English

We look forward to hearing from you!

The application time has ended.